May, June
If you know of any events, or have comments or species to add to a Watch List, contact us and we will add them to the calendar.

Watch list:
International Migratory Bird Day
North American Migration Count (NAMC)
Tualatin River Bird Festival
Watch list:
- Vaux's Swifts return to Tillamook Wilson School
- Shorebird migrants along the bays and spits, at high tide check the WTPs
- Migrant warblers and other passserines, Cascade Head, Nehalem Meadows and throughout the county
- Caspian Terns are now feeding in bays and along the coast, and will remain throughout the summer
- Flycatchers arrive early (Pacific Slope is the earliest, followed by Western Wood-pewee and Olive-sided Flycatcher). Willow and Hammond's arrive later in the month.
International Migratory Bird Day
North American Migration Count (NAMC)
- Oregon NAMC information
- 2013 Tillamook NAMC report
- Tillamook NAMC Contact: dawn villaescusa
Tualatin River Bird Festival

Watch list:
Bounty on the Bay
Dean Hale Woodpecker Festival
Watch list:
- Now is the time to look for nesting birds (birds carrying nesting material or food) and early fledglings
- Estuaries and meadows will be full of the song of Marsh Wren and Common Yellowthroat
Bounty on the Bay
- Description: Annual Tillamook Estuaries Partnership fundraiser
- More information...
Dean Hale Woodpecker Festival
- Description: Based in Sisters, Oregon
- More information...