The Tillamook County Spring 2013 NAMC was held on Saturday, May 11, 2013.
Total Species: 167
Individuals: 10,391
We had 13 volunteers for the count, and gained five more after the fact (see note). We clocked almost 26 hrs on foot, over 14 hours by car, 4 hours by boat and 3 1/2 hrs stationary (no feeder counters this year). We drove 223 miles and walked about 38.
Total Species: 167
Individuals: 10,391
We had 13 volunteers for the count, and gained five more after the fact (see note). We clocked almost 26 hrs on foot, over 14 hours by car, 4 hours by boat and 3 1/2 hrs stationary (no feeder counters this year). We drove 223 miles and walked about 38.

- Barbara and John Woodhouse
- LaVon Simper and Marg Tweelinckx
- Desi and dawn Villaescusa
- Jack Hurt
- Joe Blowers
- Kathy and Mike Krall
- Ken Chamberlain
- Sue Norris
- Wink Gross
We had lots of variety, including some outstanding rare or hard-to-find birds, including:

- Greater White-fronted Geese, Snow Geese and a Ross's Goose (Woodhouse team)
- Harlequin Ducks, Tufted Puffin and a Clark's Grebe (Wink Gross)
- Red-breasted Sapsucker, Townsend's Solitaire (Ken Chamberlain)
- Sooty Grouse (Ken Chamberlain and the Kralls)
- Semipalmated Sandpiper (Joe Blowers)
- Solitary Sandpiper (Jack Hurt and Joe Blowers)
- Red-shouldered Hawk (Sue Norris)
- Swainson's Hawk (Sue Norris and Dave's team, who saw two Swainson's)
- American Avocet, Western Kingbird, Blue-winged Teal (Dave's team)