In the last week or so there seems to have been an invasion of Brown Pelicans (Pelecanus occidentalis). Normally found along the Oregon coast in migration, they are here in very large numbers at present. We've seen them in the Tillamook area in small numbers the last few weeks. Yesterday there were easily 300-400 in the Netarts Bay and Oceanside area and there seem to be many there today as well.
Warblers, on the other hand, which were here in high numbers two weeks ago (mainly Wilson's and Orange-crowned with a sprinkling of Yellow-rumped and Black-throated Grays in our local area) seem to have dropped off considerably. We are still hearing and seeing lots of Swainson's Thrushes. Our local Netarts Bay Bald Eagles seem to have fledged their one young within the last week. The Black Oystercatchers north of Short Beach, on the south side of Cape Meares headland, are coming and going frequently from their regular nesting site. Thus far we have been unable to see young, but we are viewing from quite a distance via a scope. With the improved weather and the openings, there have been many two-legged mammalian visitors on the beaches. Social distancing, especially on access trails, has become more difficult, although highly recommended due to the increased threat of COVID-19.